Browse Items (1104 total)
A rock with a large hole in one side
The South face of Mount Rainier in the background and a partially forested slope in the foreground
A train and the remains of a car on the tracks in front of it with a crowd of people gathered around.
Andrew James Gilmour posing in front of Old Faithful in Yellowstone as it erupts behind him. In the background is a group of people watching from a bench with backs to the camera.
The Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone in eruption
A man in a suit stands on a wooden platform with a broom. Above the platform is a pulley and suspension system and in the background, children and adults are gathered.
A group of people, including children, stand around a wooden platform with a pulley system above it. There is an obnect in a net partially suspended from the pulley and a group of men with tools.
Men in cowboy hats standing under a structures with ropes and pulleys. On a wooden platform at their feet is some kind of meat being unwrapped from a wire and cloth enclosure.

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The wooden platform and pulley system from a distance, a crowd of people in the background
The wooden platform and pulley system from a distance, a crowd of people in the background
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