Browse Items (5341 total)
A log cabin with a sod roof near the bank of a river or lake, mountains in the background
A glacier sits on the side of a mountain, in the foreground is a lake.
Photograph of three climbers using ropes and axes to cross the bergschrund on the SE face of Gannett.
A man with a knapsack and rope tied around his waist stands on a snow precipice, back to the camera. Below him another man holds one end of the rope with one hand and his ice axe in the snow with his other hand.
Three people crossing a river with packs. One uses an ice axe to cross on a log.
A man in a hat leading two pack horses by the reins through knee deep snow. Mountains in the background.
A man walking across a tree felled across a river with a sack on his back - the photo is out of focus
Crevasses in the glacier on the summit of Rainier
Crevasses on the East side of Abbot Pass
Photograph of crevasses in a glacier on the side of a mountain.
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