Browse Items (31 total)
A single file line of porters walking on a slope, carrying boxes of supplies on their backs
Men organizing and unpacking supplies. In the background, shelves of food stocks

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A group of porters handling supplies while a large group of villagers look on from behind a low wall
A group of men loading boxes of supplies onto a boat
A tent with laundry drying against one side and nearby a group of supplies
Several men, all wearing cowboy hats, standing around a few boxes and backpacks in the front lawn of a small brick building
Three mountaineers, two wearing orange parkas standing with a pile of supplies
Porters wearing goggles and carrying boxes on their backs
Dick Wahlstrom digging through snow at the edge of a pile of flattened tents and boxes of supplies partially buried in the snow, another man in a red parka stands nearby
Supplies, including an ice axe, a camp stove, a hobnail boot, a carton of instant coffee, a thermos and a backpack in the snow outside a tent, a snowy peak in the background
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