Browse Items (100 total)
A street with cars driving and people walking on the sidewalks. Large buildings in the background.
Photograph of a canal and winter trees with a structure in the background
Photograph of a set of stone steps in a park
View of a lakehouse and lake

A photograph of an open covered structure with columns, a road with passing cars in the background
A view of a park with a bridge and a culvert and people walking.

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A small group of men and women stand at the railing of a boat to look at the passing shoreline with homes and businesses along it.
A small group of men and women stand at the railing of a boat to look at the passing shoreline with homes and businesses along it.
A view of the deck of a boat, including the funnel and the life boats. In the background are houses along the edge of the water
A woman stands on the deck of a boat, wearing men's clothing. Her arm is around a man standing next to her in a woman's dress and hat. In the background are houses on the water's edge and a Canadian Red Ensign flag.
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