Browse Items (96 total)
Three men in red parkas roped together as they walk up a snow covered ridge
Sam Silverstein standing near and looking at a large wooden cross, the sun breaking through the clouds and illuminating the sea below
A small square structure made of corrugated steel with supplies piled against the side
A man in a red parka exiting a small square structure made of corrugated steel with supplies piled against the side
A climber heading up the verticle rocks of Long Gables, rope trailing behind him
Pete Schoening in snow suit, goggles and mittens holding up two pieces of cloth with writing on them
Pete Schoening, photographed from below, climbing up a verticle face on Long Gables
Pete Schoening cutting steps into the steep snow covered slope of the Gardner couloir with an ice axe
John Evans and Pete Schoening on the summit of Mount Vincent holding a banner reading "National Geographic Society" and an American flag, other smaller flags are stuck in the snow at their feet
Nick Clinch, Dick Wahlstrom and Sam Silverstein photographed in silhouette on a ridge, one sitting on his backpack and the other two putting down their own packs.
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