Browse Items (40 total)
Pedestrians and horse riders on a street near a body of water.
A man and a woman sitting on a park bench while a child plays on the grass in front of them. The lawn is set up with croquet wickets and a large building is visible over the trees in the background.
Four children leaning against a wall
A group of houses in a town on a hillside, a young child playing in the street
A group of people, including children, stand around a wooden platform with a pulley system above it. There is an obnect in a net partially suspended from the pulley and a group of men with tools.
The wooden platform and pulley system from a distance, a crowd of people in the background
The wooden platform and pulley system from a distance, a crowd of people in the background
A man in a suit stands on a wooden platform with a broom. Above the platform is a pulley and suspension system and in the background, children and adults are gathered.
A group of women and children sitting in front of a fence

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