Tags: abbot pass, banff national park, passes, yoho national park
Tags: abbot pass, banff national park, climbers, collier peak, humans, ice axes, mount whyte, mountt lefroy, passes, popes peak, rope, yoho national park
Tags: abbot pass, banff national park, collier peak, mount whyte, passes, popes peak, yoho national park
Tags: banff national park, climbers, humans, mitre pass, passes, the mitre
Tags: banff national park, eiffel peak, mount temple, wasatch mountain
Tags: banff national park, eiffel peak, wasatch mountain
Tags: banff national park, the mitre
Tags: banff national park, mount victoria
Tags: banff national park, climbers, humans, ice axes, mount victoria, rope
Tags: banff national park, climbers, humans, ice axes, mount victoria
atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2