Browse Items (154 total)
Large houses with walled gardens face the ocean across a paved road on top of seaside cliffs. Men and women walk along the road or sit on a park bench admiring the view.
A small house with a thatched roof
A man and a woman stroll on the sidewalk past a building, where a young woman leans in a doorway.
A woman and a little girl walking own a paved road, large houses with fenced gardens on the opposite side of the street.
A paved road with brick buildings, no pedestrians, no traffic.
A view of the street with pedestrians and carriages, buildings on either side.
A church with tall steeple at the end of a lane with a small stone wall along the right hand side.

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View of a mountain from across a snowy field. A road in the midground.

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A view in a village of large buildings across a river which is crossed by a street bridge. Alps in the background.
A street with cars driving and people walking on the sidewalks. Large buildings in the background.
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