Browse Items (109 total)
Andrew James Gilmour doing a handstand in the snow on the summit of Mout Resplendent
Andrew James Gilmour posing on a snow cornice on the summit wearing goggles and holding his ice axe
A woman leaning against a man's back and looking back at the camera. The summit of resplendent in the background.
Andrew James Gilmour roped up and holding his ice axe on the snowy slope of Resplendent Mountian, the summit almost visible behind him.
Andrew Jame Gilmour standing on a snowy summit with ice axe, rope and goggles. Distant peaks in the background.
Two men standing on a snowy slope with rope, goggles and ice axes. Distant mountans in the background
A man with a rope tied around his waist, holding an ice axe looking over a snowy ridge with mountains on the other side
A man standing at the summit of a peak, back to the camera and tied to a rope by the waist and holding an ice axe. An improvised flag attached to the man's back.
A man standing at the summit of a peak, back to the camera and tied to a rope by the waist and holding an ice axe. On his right an improvised flag is planted in the snow.
Five climbers posing as a group in the snow on the summit of Mount Victoria, ice axes with ropes draped around them planted in the snow not far away.
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