Browse Items (375 total)
Photograph of a man suspended by a rope from a snow overhang using an alpenstock to pull himself up. Above him are two men straining to hold the rope and pull him up.
A photograph of several people standing on Andrews Glacier - the photo is taken from a distance so the humans are very small in the frame, the glacier dominating most of the photo. Rocky slopes rise on either side of it.
Photograph of a snowy slope with pine trees in foreground and high cliffs in the background.
A man and a woman stand in the foreground in a dry wash surrounded by massive rounded stones. an arete is visible in the right background.
Portrait view taken from some elevation of a large rock buttress in the center background. Downhill is a buckboard without horses parked next to a road. Two women occupy the right foreground.
Six people picnic beside creek while another individual walks on opposite bank. Mountain occupies center background almost obscured by haze.
About a dozen people traverse a scree and snow covered slope running away from the camera. Rugged peaks appear in the background.
Portrait view of many people climbing a snow filled couloir.
A man and two women drive an old flatbed truck loaded with duffle bags down a dirt road.
A man and a woman posing in a bergschrund, the woman sitting on the snowy slope looking at the man, who is standing under an overhang, face obscured.
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