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- Tags: women
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A woman sitting on stone steps in front of a brick house with two dogs. She is smiling.
Tags: animals, dogs, humans, settlements, structures, women
A woman sitting on stone steps in front of a brick house with two dogs. She is holding an open book in her lap.
Tags: animals, dogs, humans, settlements, structures, women
A woman sitting in the grass with a dog, buildings in the background
Tags: animals, dogs, humans, settlements, structures, women
A woman leaning on the railing of a narrow bridge over a river, the roof of a house in the backgound
Tags: bridges, humans, rivers, structures, women
A street with carriages, early automobiles and pedestrians. A sign on one truck reads "Otto F. Stifel's Union Brewing Co." Most of the buildings have American flags and banners.
Tags: automobiles, humans, missouri, roads, settlements, st. louis, structures, women
A street scene with early automobiles, trolleys, pedestrians and many buildings displaying American flags.
Tags: automobiles, humans, missouri, roads, settlements, st. louis, structures, trolleys, women