Browse Items (375 total)
A woman in a hat leaning on the railing of a patio in front of a building with tall windows with shutters. In front of the building is a small lawn and a path.
Two women sitting on a bench in a park or back yard, a dog sits on their right and a fountain is visible behind them
In front of a large structure, two men and a woman with a cart of hay drawn by cows.
A photograph of the view from a walkway with a railing, including a large building, a riveror canal and many houses and structures on the banks
A man in a straw hat sitting on a rock wall outside a house or building. A woman stands on the ground below him and another with a parasol stands farther down the street.
A photograph of the Place de l'Op_ra in Paris with carriages, pedestrians and the Madeleine-Bastille omnibus.
Two women sitting on a balcony railing, potted palms on either side of them. A dog lays in the grass below them.
Two women walking their bicycles down a dirt road toward a small building with a steeple or tower. A trolley car can be seen on tracks heading up a hill on the right side of the frame
Pedestrians walking in a street with trolly tracks. In the background a building with two turrets
A street with a trolly, pedestrians and buildings with towers and turrets in the background
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