Browse Items (5341 total)
The shore of a lake and a canyon in the distance. Tower rock on the right.
A lake shore and canyon beyond, mountains in the distance.
A man standing with one foot on a narrow ledge on a steep cliff face, hanging on to the top with one hand. He holds his other hand and foot out into the air.
Oral history interview discussing Kelly Cordes’ climbing career. The conversation spans in topics from boxing, climbing, Alaska, heroes and partners, and Pakistan.
A brick structure covered in vines. Two women and a young man stand at the gate.
A man sits on a horse. Behind the horse stand a woman in a white dress and a boy.
Keeler Needles. Mts. Muir and Langley in distance. Looking south-east from summit of Whitney.
View from pass looking down toward lakes in foreground. Hazy peaks occupy the background.
View of pinnacles looking southwest with lake in foreground. Moderate shadows. Strong reflections in lake. Numerous snow couloirs in pinnacles. Debris fields at the bottom of the couloirs.
Several men and women hiking through a boulder field on Mount Whitney. The Kaweah Peaks in the distance across a valley.
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