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A street with pedestrians. A building on the left with the words "Emile Rohouche - Souliers de Montagne sur mesures - Reparation prompte et soignee"- Mountain shoes measures prompt and careful repairs
Tags: alps, humans, roads, settlements, structures, women
A man and a woman sitting on a park bench while a child plays on the grass in front of them. The lawn is set up with croquet wickets and a large building is visible over the trees in the background.
Tags: children, humans, structures, women
A photograph of a large brick building from across a lawn. Several people are gathered around a bicycle and some are sitting on a bench or walking along a path.
Tags: bicycles, humans, structures, women
The shore of a body of water with many small boats on the beach. In the distance are two lighthouses and rowhouses on the left side of the frame
Tags: beaches, humans, lighthouses, settlements, shores, structures, watercraft, women
A river or inlet in a city or town. Many small rowboats on the water filled with people. In the background is a large cargo ship. In the foreground, a man in a white hat helps a woman out of a row boat on to shore.
Tags: humans, watercraft, women
A terraced hillside in a city or town. A large building with turrets is visible straight ahead, and below, a beach with a promenade
Tags: beaches, humans, settlements, shores, structures, women
The West face of Notre Dame, pedestrians and carriages in the street
Tags: animals, carriages, cathedrals, horses, humans, roads, structures, women
Men and women gathered around and watching as three men in uniforms crouch around the prone body of a man on the ground. In the background a large structure with a sign reading "Schneider & Co."
Tags: humans, structures, women
Men and women standing on a walkway or sidewalk in front of a large dome-like structure
Tags: humans, structures, women