Tags: fire temple, geological features, humans, rio grande national forest, wheeler national monument, women
Tags: action, climbing, flattop mountain, humans, longs peak, mountains, rocky mountain national park, rope
Tags: garden of the goods, geological features, horses, humans, roads, vehicles
Tags: cathedral spires, garden of the gods, geological features, humans, structures
Tags: cathedral spires, garden of the gods, geological features, hidden inn, structures
Tags: garden of the gods, geological features, humans, vehicles, women
Tags: cathedral spires, garden of the gods, geological features, hidden inn, horses, humans, structures, vehicles, women
Tags: garden of the gods, gateway roads, geological features, kissing camels, roads
Tags: longs peak, peaks
Tags: humans, mountains, rocky mountain national park, speciman mountain
atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2