Browse Items (90 total)
A man holding a rope and standing on an ice chunk which is mostly submerged in a body of water
A body of water with a bridge in the distance
Andrew James Gilmour holding a morsel of food above the head of a small bear which is standing on hind legs, one paw against his chest
Andrew James Gilmour holding a morsel of food above the head of a small bear which is standing on hind legs
Andrew James Gilmour holding a morsel of food in his hand in front of a small bear which is standing on hind legs
Andrew James Gilmour holding a morsel of food above the head of a small bear which is standing on hind legs
Andrew James Gilmour leaning against a stonebuilding in front of a window wearing a hat with porcupine quills attached to the front
A large group of people in the large, open-sided mess tent. Mountains in the background.
An Alpine Club of Canada camp with many smaller tents grouped around the large mess tent in the center
A group of small white tents with a forest and a large mountain ridge in the background
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