Browse Items (12 total)
- Type is exactly "Oral History"
Lynn Hill Story Project Interview
Colin Haley Story Project Interview
Tags: alaksa range, alaska, alpinism, alps, bjorn-eivind artun, cerry standhardt, chamonix, colin haley, dracula, entropy wall, forbidden peak, fred beckey, karakoram, minimalism, mount foraker, mount hood, mount moffit, north cascades, pacific northwest, pakistan, patagonia, rolo garibotti, ski mountaineering, torre traverse
Tom Hornbein Story Project Interview
Tags: everest, tom hornbein
Tommy Caldwell Story Project Interview
Kelly Cordes Story Project Interview
Jack Reed Oral History Interview
Nawang Sherpa, Linda McMillan and Pete Lardy Oral History Interview
Robert Hyman Oral History
Ted Vaill Oral History
Tags: american mountaineering club, annapurna, apocalypse arete, bill buckingham, bill putnam, bo di xong mountains, bob bates, boyd everett, chen shong mountains, dave sedeman, death canyon, dissentary, george low, john hudson, lee ortenburger, lou reichert, mount moran, shin jong provence, shu jong chong, takomakong desert, tetons, the american alpine club, yvonne chouinard