Handwritten letter from Annie Peck to Henry G. Bryant. The letter is dated December 31, 1908. The letter discusses the presentation of a lecture on mountaineering by Annie Peck.
Handwritten letter from Dora Keen to Harrington Putnam. The letter is dated September 11, 1912 and is sent from the Hotel Frye in Seattle, WA. The letter discusses an ascent of Mt. McKinley by colleagues and how it compared to her ascent of Mt.…
Handwritten letter from Dora Keen to Harrington Putnam, president of the American Alpine Club. The letter is dated June 8th, 1912 and is sent from McCarthy Alaska. The letter is a response to a recent telegram sent on behalf of the American Alpine…
Handwritten letter from Dora Keen to Howard Palmer. The letter is dated October 18, 1911 and is sent from Philadelphia, PA. The letter describes Keen’s doings in Alaska, including her first unsuccessful climb of Mt. Blackburn. She also discusses a…
In Memoriam article published in the American Alpine Journal, Volume 13 - Issue 2, 1963. The article remembers Dora Keen's life and accomplishments as a climber.