Browse Items (216 total)
A tall rock face rises above a high lake.
Three people stand on a snowfield looking up at Longs Peak. An alpenstock is planted in the snow in front of the person standing closest to the camera.
The rocky face of Mt. Taylor in the background, a lake and a pine tree in the foreground.
The rocky summit of Longs Peak in the lower half of the frame, the mountains to the West of Longs Peak in the top half.
A photograph of three people on the summit of Conundrum Peak. Below them, on the left side of the mountain in the photo, four or five other people make their way toward the summit, facing away from the camera.

A photograph of the sun behind clouds.
A woman in a skirt and a hat, stands at the edge of a bergschrud on a glacier, a rocky ridge in the background.
A photograph of several people standing on Andrews Glacier - the photo is taken from a distance so the humans are very small in the frame, the glacier dominating most of the photo. Rocky slopes rise on either side of it.
A woman in a skirt and hat stands at the top of the glacier with her hands clasped behind her back, facing away from the camera toward the peak to the South of the glacier - Mt. Hallett.
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