Browse Items (94 total)
Brian Marts climbing ice and snow up Long Gables with ice axe and crampons
Six men in red parkas roped together to haul a sledge of supplies across a flat plane of snow
A backpack and ice axe in the snow on Mount Gardner and a view of peaks and plains to the North
A man with a large backpack with ropes making his way down a steep vertical mountain face
Bill Long with icicles in his facial hair, wearing sunglasses

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Bill Long in a tent with his chin in his hand

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Bill Long and Barry Corbet among sleeping bags in a tent, on either side of a sleeping bag containing Eiichi Fukushima's feet
Bill Long in a red parker and crampons, photographed from the back, looking at striations in a mountain peak
Brian Marts standing near a snowmobile connected to two sledges, two men in orange sitting and standing respectively at the last sledge, looking towards the mountain range in the background
Bill Long and another man walking across wind-swept snow with Long Gables in the background
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